Recent updates to Goal Nabber functionalities

So that our users can get better and quicker results with their teams, we’re regularly enhancing Goal Nabber’s functionalities. Here are some of the recent changes:

  • The user profile is no longer the starting point. The project overview is the new landing page. If you do wish to update your profile, it remains possible. This change saves a step getting you where you need to be.
  • A workflow feature has been added to manage action plans and workflows. You define the steps composing your end to end workflow. You and your team create add action cards. Drag and Drop them until everything is complete. Summaries charts enable to quickly view status, trends and forecasts instantaneously.
  • The root cause analysis is more graphical. To add a layer or branch, you simply press on the relevant dot. You can do it on your own, or simultaneously with the other participants. Everyone contributes easily without waiting or need to adjust the board. With the team’s contribution, your Ishikawa/fishbone diagrams are more complete, buy in greater and with less effort. As before, As before, the result are immediately available to be captured as a snapshot for use on your device or in the project storyboard.
  • To make the use outcomes more visual, normal links are being replaced by icons with tooltips. Each type of action has a recognizable icon. The purple color shows the way to the end target. Goal Nabber uses the context and the collective experience to make the most meaningful suggestions at key places. This will be extended across all the features shortly.

Wither current or potential users, your feedback helps us better meet your needs. Tell us about your suggestions.

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