Coming soon is Jeromy’s story about how he uses Goal Nabber to develop the skills within his team.
In the meantime, try the free demo:
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![Selecting option with Goal Nabber](
· Time Management: There is effort and money spent on lower priorities while high priorities are falling behind.
· Problem solving: When problems arise, many cases go with disproportioned reactions, several ineffective solutions, or resistance to options.
· Decision making: While everyone agrees that it takes to long, it is slowed down by need for information, the complexity, no ideal option, diverging interests, etc. After decisions are made, buy-in and support isn’t systematic.
· Planning and Project Management: From breaking down the goal into manageable pieces to completing a project, there are many techniques and expert skills involved.
They considered several alternatives which would develop the expertise and embed the best practices. They estimated the time saved, the longer-term utilization, the internal & external costs, and the time to start observing tangible benefits. This is a summary of the team’s consensus:
![Selecting option with Goal Nabber](
Through this exercise, it became apparent that timing and practice was important. The timing of the coaching and support must coincide with the need. That could be quickly be out of the means of the organization. Once the support is over, old habits are likely to creep back. The benefits will gradually fade away and require refreshers. It also affects managers and other team members. They need short and easy introductions to better follow and participate in the daily activities. Goal Nabber provides a framework where everyone can try need methods, get immediate online guidance and get better every time.
Looking back for lessons learned is also a key element of professional development. The outcomes of workshop with key elements are safely stored in the cloud. That makes it easy to come back and understand differences and eventually take a better direction.