Jeromy and his team were faced with the same kind of issues over and over. Had it not been for the frustration that it generated, everyone would have accepted them and the impacts. External factors increased the need for the company to either take action or no longer be competitive.
Looking for structure and method to address the situation, Jeromy found Goal Nabber as the means to:
- To collect ideas, issues and opportunities from team members through an open online brainstorm session. By sorting into categories, the opportunities are identified. Using the prioritization and selection features, projects are launched based on the highest value and buy in.
- Each project used the build in features that make applying advanced management techniques easier while having the team actively involved. The buy in of stakeholder is greatly improved, And, the outcomes are more effective. There are less quick fixes and root causes are eliminated.
- The online cloud solution is accessible for everyone for beginners as well as experts. It makes the adoption broader and faster. Going from a first problem to more leads to making best practices common practice.